Most recent photo of the mural... note the "sold" sign! I sold the last sponsorship spot! A couple weeks ago, I painted in orange "One more sponsor needed, your name here"... and there has been a lot of interest in it. A few days ago, I sold it to Todd Calvert, an electrician, and we worked out an exchange ... he's going to light the mural!! So it will be lit from the top at nighttime. So, in green I painted SOLD!

Leticia came to help one day! She helped me paint Lydia Middleton, the elementary school.
Leticia came to help one day! She helped me paint Lydia Middleton, the elementary school.
So far, this is the highest brushstroke, all the way up to the chimney!
yay! i found the site again. you are very right, it does look close to being done. the details in the little vignettes (sp?) are great already! great going tiff, can't wait to see you!